Terrapin Downloads Center
Welcome to the Terrapin download center! Here, you will find the free-to-try Terrapin Logo, product sheets, user guides, software related downloads, projects, and other information.
The documents are in PDF format. If your browser cannot display PDF files, you need to have the Adobe Reader installed. If you haven't, please click the button below that directs you the the Adobe Reader download page.

Useful Information
Tips for Ordering from Terrapin
Do you have any questions about ordering from Terrapin? We have compiled a list of useful questions and answers that you can download as a PDF file. You can also browse our support page for these and other questions. This Q&A section also answer a lot of the technical questions about Terrapin Logo that you may have.
Rechargeable Robot Battery FAQ's
Takes you to documentation covering what you should know about rechargeable battery care. Available as a downloadable PDF file or as an online, browsable reference.
Terrapin Logo
The desktop versions of Terrapin Logo for Windows and Mac are available for download here.
The online and desktop versions of Terrapin Logo share the same underlying code and work the same. A single license code may be used to log into all of them. After the first login, the desktop versions may be run without an Internet connection. All versions support Blue-Bot, Pro-Bot, and InO-Bot robots. The desktop version updates automatically when updates to Terrapin Logo are released.
The Windows version requires Windows 7 (64 bit) or later to run.
The Mac version requires Mac OS Yosemite or later to run.
Bluetooth is supported for Windows 10 (64 bit), March 2017 edition or later, Mac OS, iOS, Chromebooks, and later Android versions.
Mac Serial-to-USB Driver (Zip)
If you want to work with Pro-Bot on your Mac, you may need to install a Serial-to-USB driver on your Mac. If you cannot connect to Pro-Bot, please download and install the driver above. Please note that the driver may not work with Mac OS versions newer than Catalina, and it will not work on M1 Macs.
Terrapin Logo 4 has been discontinued!
We do not offer the executables as a download anymore. You can upgrade for half the price if you submit a proof of purchase. Please contact us for details.
Robot Downloads
Pro-Bot Robotics is an expansion of the User Guide that accompanies Pro-Bot. Pro-Bot Robotics provides full information on programming Pro-Bot, including the main program and sub-procedures. It also provides step-by-step instructions on utilizing Pro-Bots touch, light, and sound sensors.
Pro-Bot Robotics contains 18 pages.
Getting Started with Blue-Bot App (PDF)
Getting Started with Blue-Bot App provides information on using the iOS and Android Blue-Bot app with Blue-Bot, including explanations of all sections and modes of the app.
Getting Started with Blue-Bot App contains 18 pages.
Do you use the Blue-Bot App? For those who would like to add our mats to your Blue-Bot app, we've created a separate downloads page. Please click the link above to visit our Mat Downloads page!
Software Downloads
The Windows Blue-Bot app lets you control Blue-Bot from Windows computers using Windows 7 or higher and Bluetooth ver 3.0/4.0+ EDR or higher with this app. Just download and install on your Windows computer.
The Mac Blue-Bot app lets you control Blue-Bot from Mac computers using OSX 10.11 or higher and Bluetooth ver 3.0/4.0+ EDR or higher with this app. Just download and install on your Mac computer. Please note that you may need to explicitly allow the installation.
Easi-Scope and Flexi-Scope Digital Microscopes: Xploview software
Xploview software for Windows or the Mac lets you use Easi-Scope and Flexi-Scope on Windows computers using Windows 7 or higher. Just download and install on your Windows computer. Connect Easi-Scope and Flexi-Scope via wifi or USB and start the program.
Check out our Free Online Resources sorted by product type here..
Please note that these links are provided for your convenience only. We are not the manufacturer, TTS Group in the UK, and we do not have access to the source code to support any issues that you may encounter. If you are experiencing technical difficulties, you will need to contact the manufacturer directly at www.tts-international.com.
User Guide Downloads (PDFs)
Robot Accessories
Six-Bot USB Charger
- Version 1 (power strip)
- Version 2 (box shape)
Data Logging Backpack
- fits onto the back of the Tuff-Bot robot
Terrapin's Catalog of Products
The Terrapin Catalog provides a convenient off-line format to peruse all the products we offer. Add one to the shopping cart and check out to have it mailed to you free of charge.
• Catalog product page -- to order one to be sent to you
• Online Catalog -- to view a PDF version on-screen