Bee-Bot Lessons introduces young children to core coding concepts like sequencing, directionality, and basic problem-solving through the playful and accessible interface of Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot. With over 200 activities covering all areas of the K–2 curriculum, each lesson is aligned to accredited standards, with a clear list of the standards it achieves. Differentiated instruction tips help teachers adapt lessons to accommodate all students.
Bee-Bot Lessons integrate technology across the curriculum with activities in math, science and health, social studies, letters and words, reading and writing, communication, months/holidays, the arts, stories and foreign languages—making learning interactive all year long. Students develop skills in navigation, shape creation, counting, geometry, pattern recognition, direction-following, and storytelling. With endless opportunities for exploration, Bee-Bot Lessons make learning engaging, hands-on, and fun for students of all ages.
>> Lessons are integrated with a customized version of the Bee-Bot Online Emulator so students can practice skills online as well as with an actual robot. Try one of the Bee-Bot Lessons activities included in the FREE online emulators here:
• Using a Bee-Bot on-screen -- Safety Signs | Life Cycle of a Butterfly
• Using a Blue-Bot on-screen -- Safety Signs | Life Cycle of a Butterfly
To explore more detailed information about this title, visit the Bee-Bot Lessons resource page.
Recommended materials include the Card Mat, a 6x6 grid with a clear plastic sheet overlay. The grid is designed so that each square represents one Bee-Bot / Blue-Bot step. Lift the plastic sheet, place images from Bee-Bot Lessons or those you create on the grid, and lower the plastic sheet to lock them in place. With the grid as a guide, students use Bee-Bot to explore the subject or task represented by the images. The Card Mat provides a durable and flexible learning station for Bee-Bot that can be used in all areas of the curriculum.
Other useful materials
• Command Cards for students to visually lay out the steps they plan for Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot to take.
• Bee-Bot/Blue-Bot Step Rulers to have your class measure out their own 'bot pathways.
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UPGRADE - Schools that have previously purchased Bee-Bot Lessons in PRINT may upgrade to the expanded online version at half price.