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Kinderlogo: Creative Math Activities for Young Learners puts children in the driver’s seat as they explore math concepts with the Logo turtle! Using easy-to-remember keystrokes, they move and turn the turtle to make shapes, repeat patterns, add color, and create original designs.

Kinderlogo activities run online in a browser window on all desktop and laptop computers, including Chromebooks. A login code comes on the invoice and allows access to the curriculum for the selected period. In Kinderlogo, children meet Bee-Bot in one of the activities and the Teacher Guide offers a section about robots and how they relate to the Logo turtle.

TOC - View a PDF of the Table of Contents.
PREVIEW - View the Teacher Guide and try selected online activities.
ACCESS - Log in to Kinderlogo.
RESOURCE - 52 Ideas for Kinderlogo

Each of the five sequential levels in Kinderlogo: Creative Math Activities for Young Learners offers new commands to explore and activities that reinforce the concepts. Children as young as four can explore the beginning activities designed for non-readers, while other activities empower those starting to read. Children of all ages with special needs tend to thrive in this environment.

Advanced learners can teach the turtle a colorful design and easily repeat it around the screen. They are learning how to harness the power of Logo to help them realize their projects.

Kinderlogo opens the rich environment of Logo to the youngest learners with 28 age-appropriate activities. Children navigate mazes, aim for a target, create symmetrical designs with multiple turtles, sort toys, create shapes of any size, explore with Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot, string beads, and even play a music keyboard, to name just a few.

Detailed documentation provides in-depth guidance for parents, including lesson plans, ideas to challenge students, and dozens of resource PDFs. Tips for setting up various browsers are also included.

Kinderlogo activities run online in a browser window on all desktop and laptop computers, including Chromebooks. Tablets and phones are not supported because of their small screen size and need for a keyboard.

First introduced in 1984, Kinderlogo has been updated over the years, now offering a fresh version with several new activities. The fact that children’s drawings have not changed over the decades is a true testament to the value of Kinderlogo. Author Dorothy Fitch has worked with Logo for many years, and most recently taught 700 students in a K–2 computer lab in Arizona, where Kinderlogo and Bee-Bots were their favorite activities.