Going Places Mat Bundle
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Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot are on the go with fun places to explore on these colorful mats. Unlimited coding opportunities for your students make these mats a perfect addition to your K–2 STEM program. Purchase them as a group for a discount.
These mats are great for exploring social studies concepts and developing stories. Have your students create a tale about their adventures on the mats.
Links below offer lesson ideas for each mat. The mats are also incorporated into Bee-Bot Lessons, a set of 200 classroom and online learning activities for Bee-Bot or Blue-Bot that are tied to national curriculum standards.
Students will have fun sending Bee-Bot and Blue-Bot on trips around these mats. They can code Bee-Bot to run a sequence of errands in the Community Mat. Then, a 'bot can follow your class schedule on the School Mat. With some planning, students can direct Blue-Bot to complete the Go Cart Rally Mat track with one set of commands. In the Country Roads Mat, students will enjoy visiting all the animals and crops.
Young children practice left and right turns, while older students learn cardinal directions—north, south, east, west—as they travel around these colorful mats. The Old West Mat includes coordinate labels, allowing students to send their 'bot to a specific location.
Terrapin's Going Places Mat Bundle includes:
• 1 Community Mat ----- lesson ideas
• 1 Country Road Mat ----- lesson ideas
• 1 Go Cart Rally Mat ----- lesson ideas
• 1 Old West ----- lesson ideas
• 1 School Mat ----- lesson ideas
All mats are made of washable vinyl and vary in approximate size between 24" by 24" (61 cm by 61 cm) and 30" by 36" (76 cm by 92 cm).